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      Corset Stories

      Every corset tells a story. Some are worn for fun and fashion but many are worn because they improve your quality of life. Below are true corset stories from some of our customers describing how corseting changed their lives. We hope that by sharing them with you, more lives can be transformed by corseting.

      If you see something you love and want the perfect corset to fit the look, you can try out our free corset calculator to find your ideal style and size!

      Teresa is an inspiring mother and grandmother who was horribly injured in a car crash in 2014. Corsets played a big role in her recovery and pain relief. We are grateful to be able to play a small part in... Read more

      Hannah shares her story of how wearing a corset has helped her manage her scoliosis. Corseting for scoliosis can be a great way to wear a garment that hides neatly and offers back support, without the bulk of wearing a... Read more

      Cheryl is a rock singer who has used corsets to help with pain relief while giving her a unique stylish look on stage. This is her story. My name is Cheryl. I am a semi-professional singer and I perform with... Read more

      Jessica reached out to us because she wanted to share how she uses her corsets to help achieve a similar effect to deep pressure stimulation therapy, commonly used to help those on the Autism spectrum feel a sense of calm... Read more

      Kelly is an opera singer who has performed on stage in an Orchard Corset CS-426. This is her story. My name is Kelly and I’m a freelance opera singer. I've had the experience of performing an opera in a corset... Read more